EUM Church:

212 11th Street • Racine, WI 53403
(262) 632-8381 •

Ticket Info:

Adult $20

($25 on day of the Derby)

Sage $15
($25 on day of the Derby)

Kid $5

(4yrs - 5th Grade)

Free nursery care
(with ticket reservation)


Just Hours Away

The Dessert Derby is just a few hours away and we couldn't be more excited!  The students (and many adults) have already been hard at work at the church getting everything set up and preparing for all of our guests to arrive!  They are looking forward to serving the people of our church tomorrow night and helping to give them a wonderful experience at our first-ever Saturday Dessert Derby.    

The Live Auction items are listed here on the website under "The Auction Items" in the exact order that they will be shared at the Derby.  And, there are even more Silent Auction items that you can bid on at the Derby as well.  In this large collection of donated items are gift cards, furniture, sports items, a Wii, kitchen products and even some fun experiences.  Be sure to arrive at 5 pm to check them all out before you head upstairs to grab your seat!  

We are sold out of tickets at this point.  However, there is always a chance of someone not being able to make it, so feel free to get added to the waiting list by emailing Kathy here.  

We cannot wait for you and our other guests to arrive at the Derby tomorrow night!  We look forward to seeing you and hope you are anticipating a wonderful night together with our EUM Church family as we support the next generation together.  

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  • Response
    Response: Payday Loans
    EUM Dessert Derby - Updates - Just Hours Away
  • Response
    Awesome video, in fact a pleasant EUM Dessert Derby - Updates - Just Hours Away quality, this YouTube video touched me a lot in terms of features.

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