It's that time again—time for the 12th Annual Dessert Derby! The date is set for April 13, 2013. We're well underway with planning and logistics. There are a handful of changes this year that are going to make the event better than ever!
Here's what you can expect in 2013:
- Event is on a Saturday rather than a Sunday. This will not interrupt our 3-service Sunday mornings.
- You get to peruse the desserts in person before dinner!
- There will be plenty of time for checking out the silent auctions before dinner starts.
- You'll have additional opportunities to hear from students about the youth ministry before dinner even begins.
- During dinner—don't worry about auction details or bidding. We'll all have time to enjoy scrumptious food, relax and enjoy community at your tables.
- Consider this a date night opportunity if you'd like—it's going to be a lovely evening of fun and fund raising. (Parent bonus: child care is provided and your kids will have a blast too!)
Come hungry, come ready to get to know your church family, come ready to learn more about what God is up to in the youth ministry.
Article originally appeared on EUM Dessert Derby (
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